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Mastering CSS Selectors: How to Select Elements by ID – A Comprehensive Guide

Utilizing the # syntax allows for the selection of elements by their ID value. For instance, #product would select any element that includes product in its ID attribute, such as the <div id="product"></div> element. This specificity is crucial for developers who need to apply unique styles to different sections of their websites. To further enhance your development toolkit, integrating a web scraping API can streamline the process of extracting data from web pages, making it an indispensable resource for developers focused on building data-driven applications or those involved in competitive analysis and SEO strategies.

<div id=”product”>select</div>
<div id=”sold product”>select</div>
<div id=”sold product new”>select</div>
<div id=”product-2″>ignore</div>

It’s crucial to note that the ID selector matches any element that contains the value in the ID list (separated by spaces). To match elements with an exact ID value, the = predicate can be used instead:

<div id=”product”>ignore</div>
<div id=”sold product”>select</div>
<div id=”sold product new”>ignore</div>
<div id=”product-2″>ignore</div>